Process Automation
A huge challenge for development teams who are asked to implement specific business logic into software is how to do this in a maintainable way, and without ending up with an ever growing code base. If the nature of the business is such that requirements and business logic keep changing, shouldn't this flexibility be part of the design?
A process automation engine can solve these and many other problems. Business logic can be expressed and visualized in a standardized way (BPMN 2.0), which in itself serves as both the documentation (visually attractive flow diagrams understandable by both business managers and developers) and code (executable by for instance the free community edition process engine offered by Camunda).
This brings the responsibility of the development team down to providing the building blocks from which process management can pick and choose to build their business logic. This can still be a formidable task, but when it’s there, IT will no longer be a bottleneck for future business development.